Amazon Kindle Store: special terms

Public domain

We are unable to distribute public domain content to Amazon.


File format

Amazon requires all ebooks to be uploaded in the EPUB format with the only exception being fixed layout books. If you have a fixed layout book, please upload a MOBI file.



Amazon accepts content only in the supported languages listed on this page.


Enhanced and Standard plans

Amazon has two pricing plans available, the Enhanced and the Standard plans:

  • 70% - Sale price between $2.99 and $9.99 and sale made in the following countries: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Federated States of Micronesia, France, Ireland, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, San Marino, Vatican City (Enhanced plan)
  • 60% - Sale price between $2.99 and $9.99 and sale made in the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland (Enhanced plan)
  • 35% - In any case, none of the above (Standard plan)

To provide higher royalties to our users, the default option on PublishDrive is the Enhanced plan.

If you agree to receive a lower amount of royalties in exchange for keeping your price below 2.99 USD or above 9.99 USD, you can ask us to apply the Standard plan where it is possible on the Stores and imprints page.


Stores available in the Enhanced plan:

Stores available only in the Standard plan:


Free Book Pricing Option

Amazon doesn't accept free submissions. Free books will be sent to Amazon at a price of 0.99 USD. If your book is available in a major store for free, Amazon may price match, but we need to request it directly. Please let us know if you want your book to be free on Amazon and we will make a request.


Freely available content policy

Amazon doesn't allow publishers to sell books in the Kindle store where the full content is freely available online. To publish in Kindle store, please make sure that no more than 20% of the book is available online for promotional purposes. If more than 20% of a book is available online for free, Amazon might pull the book from distribution.


Amazon metadata guidelines

Amazon has strict metadata guidelines and has a zero-tolerance policy against publishers who do not comply with it. See Amazon's metadata guidelines here.