Can I publish PLR (Private Label Rights) books?

No, we are only able to accept books that you own the exclusive publishing rights to. This means that you must either be the original author of the content or hold the legal rights granted by the author to publish and distribute the work. Exclusive publishing rights ensure that you have complete control over the content, allowing you to decide how, when, and where it is published. It is important to note that any material obtained from third-party sources, such as public domain texts or works published under Creative Commons licenses, may not qualify if you do not hold the rights to alter or distribute that material. Our commitment to originality and intellectual property protection is essential in maintaining the integrity of our publishing platform.

PLR publications often contain repackaged content from free online sources, which goes against our publishing guidelines. The content we accept needs to be your original intellectual product.

We review the originality of all books that are submitted to us. If we find your content freely available, under different author names or on any PLR sites, we will stop the publishing process and restrict your access to uploading new books. Your book might get rejected if it has the characteristics of PLR publications or is extremely similar to other books about the same topic that are available on the market. If you have any legal documentation that proves that you have exclusive publishing rights, feel free to submit it to our support team.