Distribution to Hoopla

What is Hoopla? 

Hoopla is the digital media lending service of Midwest Tape, which is a trusted library provider. They boast 5,000,000 registered users, with 100,000 new registrations per month. They serve well over 2,000 library system partners.


How Does Hoopla Work?

A Hoopla account gives readers access to their local library’s digital collection, no matter where they are. As long as they have their mobile device (like a smartphone or tablet), readers can borrow your titles anytime through Hoopla. 


How Do Authors Earn Royalties Through Hoopla?

Hoopla has a Cost Per Checkout (CPC) model, and a sale is triggered every time a reader borrows one of your books. Ebooks on Hoopla are priced on a tiered basis at an average of 5-7% of the digital list price, from $0.99 to $1.49. Authors receive up to a 70% royalty rate based on these prices. 

New releases will be priced at the top tier level ($1.49), while backlist titles will be priced at the $0.99 level to align with library pricing expectations. 


Is Hoopla Included in All Distribution Plans?

Yes, Hoopla is included in all of PublishDrive’s distribution plans.