On your PublishDrive dashboard, go to 'My Books' in the menu on the left side.
Here, you will see all of your uploaded books. If you have many, use the search bar to find the one you're looking for. You can also filter by status or sort by name, ISBN, etc.
After you find the book, click on 'More' in the lower right corner of the tile. Then, select 'Sales & stores':
Here, you will see a full list of your enabled stores and what the book's status is in these stores:
As you might notice, the 'Available' status next to some stores is a clickable link. It will take you directly to the book in the store.
Here is the book on Barnes & Noble, for example:
In the list of stores, you can see that some have the 'Unable to send' status. There might be stores where we cannot send your book due to language, genre or technical requirements. For example, some stores only accept books from certain genres, books in English, or books with an ISBN.
There are also stores that have the 'Waiting on store' status. This does not necessarily mean that the book is not published. It might be due to different reasons:
- our search algorithm was not able to find the link so it did not get added
- we did not receive a confirmation from the store but it has been published
- the sales channel includes a large network of stores, not just one, so we cannot display one link, this is the case for Tolino or Chinese stores
- the books are only available to subscribers and they are behind a paywall, so we cannot link to them.
It is always recommended to check the stores manually in these cases.
The most effective way to do it is by going to the store page and entering your book's ISBN in the search bar. Some stores can only search based on title or author name, so make sure you try all these options. You can also just enter your book's ISBN in Google search and see the store pages that come up as results.
Please note that book statuses by stores represented on your PublishDrive account are based on inventory/catalog/status reports we are provided with by each store. Our Support Team refrains from manually collecting store links in cases where links are not available for every single enabled store. However, our efforts are consistently directed towards refining and enhancing our operational procedures in collaboration with our vendors to maintain the highest quality service.