PublishDrive's Abacus is a royalty-splitting service that automates the calculation and distribution of royalties for indie authors, publishers, and collaborators.
If you need to remove a title from Abacus, you can do so manually by following the steps below:
Step-by-Step Guide to Removing a Title
Log in to your PublishDrive account: Sign in here.
In the Apps section, select 'Abacus'.
Click on the 'Books' tab on the left.
Under your book, click 'See Report'.
Click on the 'Fee $2.99/mo', then 'Remove title from subscription'.
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel your subscription at any time, but the cancellation will take effect in the following calendar month. For the monthly subscription, you pay the current Monthly/Annual Subscription rate, accepting the plan's limitations as communicated on the website (e.g., the number of books included). If you exceed your plan's limit, you can purchase additional title packages. Fixed fees and any credits provided are non-refundable. (T&Cs)
PublishDrive will notify you via email and/or on the website about available plans so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. If you wish to delete your account entirely, please contact
💡 Good to know: You can use Abacus for free for one title forever!