How to navigate the PublishDrive platform

Here’s a run-through on navigating the self-publishing platform PublishDrive.

When first logging in to the PublishDrive platform

After logging in and landing on the platform, you’ll see three sections:

  1. Uploading and setting up your book
  2. Personalizing your experience by ticking “I am an author” or “I am a publisher”
  3. View bestsellers from PublishDrive


Book upload

As a fresh user with no books (yet) or books in draft status, you’ll see this:

Clicking the button takes you to the book upload and setup process. You can expect help with formatting requirements, optimizing metadata, selecting the stores you want to reach, and more.


Book under review

At the end of the upload process, you can submit your book for review (which shouldn’t take more than a week to get done).


Book approved!

When your book gets reviewed and approved, you’ll see this (you’ll get an email too with notifications turned on):


Clicking the button takes you to the main dashboard –

The main dashboard

Here’s what you’ll find on your main dashboard:

  1. Weekly sales performance
  2. Book statuses and formats
  3. Promotions data on Amazon ads, featured campaigns, and price promo campaigns
  4. Personalization (author or publisher)
  5. Upcoming payments
  6. Tips to boost sales
  7. Activity feed


Let’s go over each.


Weekly sales performance

This card provides information about your week’s sales (last 7 days):

  • Number of books sold plus trends
  • Royalty earnings plus trends
  • Bestselling books (your title that sold the most copies)
  • Bestselling series (your series that sold the most copies)


Book statuses and formats


This card provides information about the status and formats of your book(s):


  • Incomplete: number of books under “draft” or “external update”
  • Processing: number of books under activities like quality check, paid conversion, or automatic file processing
  • Published: number of books under “published” or “rejected”
  • Formats: number of ebooks, audiobooks, or print books (POD)


You’ll also see important notices or reminders about your book(s).


Promotions data

This card provides information about your promotions:


  • Amazon advertising: number of active and upcoming campaigns
  • Featuring: number of upcoming and previous featured campaigns
  • Price promotions: number of active and upcoming campaigns


Learn more about PublishDrive’s book promotions.


Upcoming payments

This card provides information about royalty payments:

  • Amount and date of scheduled payment
  • “No scheduled payment” if there are none


Tips to boost sales


This card provides tips and tricks for boosting your book sales, such as adding more available stores to increase your reach.


Activity feed



This card provides information about your book activities:

  • When a book is sent out to stores
  • When a book is available in a store
  • When a book is reviewed and ready for distribution
  • Any book withdrawal requests and statuses


That’s it!

If you’d like to dive deeper, definitely check out PublishDrive’s YouTube page for various videos of all you can do. Contact our support for any help.