Publishing unsuccessful: action needed

Once you submit your book, it undergoes a manual and automatic review by our staff.

We check whether your epub is valid, look for direct store links and publicly available content, and make sure that the book displays properly on all kinds of devices. We review the books according to the stores' publishing guidelines.

We also check if the book is already available in stores where you are trying to send it to. Processing should not take longer than a few working days.

We automatically fix the most common issues, but sometimes we need input from you. If the content review team reassigns the book to you, please follow the steps in the error message, then press the "Correct issues" button. You'll see the issues listed on your book page.

Once you made all the necessary changes, press the "Resubmit" button.

We review your book again, and if there are any issues left, we will contact you.

Otherwise, your book will be published in the stores of your choice.