What should I do if I notice my ebooks are being offered illegally?

We recommend contacting the owner of the site and notifying them about copyright infringements. Refer to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and provide a legal link where customers can purchase your ebook. You can find direct links to your books in different ebook stores on your ‘Book’ page. You can use third party services like the Copyright Infringement Portal to search for and report infringements.

To initiate a DMCA takedown, visit this site.

Before starting the DMCA process, make sure that the book is actually there and downloadable. There are numerous phishing sites whose only purpose is to get the personal data of unsuspecting internet users. Sometimes they will use books to lure users and they promise they will be able to download the book by entering their personal and credit card details. They do not in fact have the book file on these sites and the user will not get anything even if they hand their data over. If you find your book on a site like this, you can rest assured that it is not actually being distributed, just used as a lure to deceive someone who is looking for it.

We do our best to discover copyright infringements and have three levels of book review so we can detect stolen content and prevent it from being published. However, if you think that your content is being distributed by PublishDrive without legal copyrights, please contact our Support Team with all the details necessary for us to investigate the case.